Terms and conditions:

Independent Production Fund (collective hereinafter referred to as the “Fund” as appropriate)

Code-of-Ethics and Conflict of Interest Obligations

  1. Evaluators must at all times act with integrity, in good faith and in the best interests of the Fund. Members of the jury are expected to read and examine the description and guidelines of the program as well as any related documents provided by the Fund and to evaluate all applications and supporting documents, prototypes, and proof-of-concepts based on the evaluation grid as well as their expertise.

  2. The Applications, Evaluations and Discussions concerning applicant projects are strictly confidential. Evaluators shall maintain at all times the confidentiality of materials submitted by applicants and the related discussions and recommendations. Evaluators will not share log-in credentials to the evaluation portal.

  3. Evaluators must ensure that they do not place themselves in a position, either perceived or real, where their responsibilities to the Fund conflict with their own personal interest or with their duty to others. A conflict of interest is deemed to be any real, apparent or potential situation that may compromise the independence and impartiality necessary for the performance of an evaluator’s duties or evaluator’s use of his/her position to obtain an unwarranted benefit or to obtain for a third party an unwarranted benefit. Evaluators must declare any relationship to any application submitted. Evaluators with any material interest or perceived interests that may compromise or affect adversely their judgement of the applications, must withdraw from the evaluation process. An indirect interest is deemed to exist when an application is submitted by a member of the family of an evaluator or by someone with whom the evaluator has a business relationship.

  4. All ideas and concepts are the exclusive property of the applicant. The applications and associated materials may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form. Applications must be destroyed upon completion of the evaluation process.

  5. Evaluators acknowledge that their names may be announced to the public after the completion of the evaluation process.

  6. The evaluator acknowledges that the final project decisions are undertaken by the Board of Directors of the Fund and that all decisions are final.

  7. By logging-in to this portal, you are agreeing to these terms and formally undertake to comply with the above.
